موضوع: أسئلة الورك بوك في القصة الثانويه العامه وإجابتها منتديات صحبة دراسه الثلاثاء أكتوبر 30, 2012 7:34 pm
أسئلة الورك بوك في القصة الثانويه العامه وإجابتها منتديات صحبة دراسه
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1. Where had the girl been before she woke up in Cairo? 1. She had been in Peru.
2. What did she take with her on her trip? 2. She took a device/machine which helps the archaeologists to discover the age of things made of wood and cloth. / She took a laser.
1. What job did the man sitting next to Leila on the plane say he did? 1. He said he was a mining engineer.
2. What did Dr. Hafez think when Leila introduced him to Martin Lander? 2. He thought he had met the man somewhere before.
1. Why did Dr. Hafez keep looking round as he was talking to Leila on the plane? 1. Because she was worried that someone was listening to their conversation.
2. What did the Peruvian archaeologist, Ramon, find? 2. A gold figure of a child.
1. What did Leila see in Quenco that worried her? 1. She saw Amalia talking to Martin Lander in a café.
2. How did Dr. Hafez know how long the skeleton had been in the tomb? 2. He tested cloth that was with the skeleton with the black box device/laser Leila had brought with her from Egypt.
1. Why did Dr. Hafez call the police? 1. Because Leila (had) found Martin Lander raiding the tomb and Lander (had) trapped Leila in the cave.
2. What did the police find among Leila's work clothes? 2. They found a little gold rabbit.
1. How had Amalia's father lost all his money? 1. Martin Lander had persuaded him to put/invest his money in a silver mine.
2. How did Leila stop Martin Lander's plane from taking off? 2. She crashed into it with Lander's truck.
C) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"You're going so far away," she sobbed. 1. Who said this, and who did she say it to? 2. When and where did she say this? 1. Samira said it to her older/big sister, Leila. 2. When she was leaving her at the airport at the start of her/Leila's trip to Peru.
"I decided I didn't want to tell this man too much more. He spoke easily and confidently". 1. Why do you think Leila did not want to answer any more questions? 2. What did the man do while she was sleeping later on the journey? 1. Because she thought the man was asking her a lot of questions. Some of her work was secret. 2. He looked through the pocket in the seat in front of her, where she had put her papers about the latest archaeological research.
"It's really quite deep. I can see some bones and some bits of pottery." 1. Where is the person who says this? 2. What does he go on to say about the bones? 1. In the tomb (through the wall). 2. He says that they are human bones.
"I thought I recognised the man you were talking to. I think I met him on the plane." 1. Who said this to whom? 2. Who is the man they are talking about? 1. Leila said this to Amalia. 2. They are talking about Martin Lander.
"I was in complete darkness. It was not a nice feeling." 1. Where was Leila and why was she in complete darkness? 2. How did she get out of this uncomfortable situation? 1. Leila was in the tomb/cave. Lander had left her in the cave and closed the door. 2. Dr. Hafez opened the cave door and helped her out. "He told me how hard his life was, how little money he was paid.
He told me he had a sick child and he needed to pay for medical expenses". 1. Who is Dr. Hafez talking about? 2. What did this person do to get money? 1. Pablo, one of the archaeological team. 2. He took the gold mask to Martin Lander and Lander gave him money